Museum Wayfinding & Signage

Looking to open with a retro gaming theme, ICA Boston needed a wayfinding identity created and applied outside and within their museum.

Offering one of a kind KY state merchandise, KY Branded needed a new brand redesign. The task became creating sketches that would be further developed into digital options for a new and unique brand that still holds those values.

Sustainable protective packaging for a set of 6 glasses. The design combines timeless style with modern appreciation.

Looking to save time and provide navigation and information, San Francisco needed a new navigation app highlighting features like parking, coffee shops, and gas stations via various methods of transportation.

Looking to expand a brand new pet care business and bring on designers, Paws and Tails needed a branding guide created on an app to sow how to and not to use their brand in many forms of media.

Nike needed a designer to create a line of skin care products for them that embodied their brand, while also covering a variety of skin care needs.

Kentucky Branded Redesign

Time, Navigation,

and Information

Paws and Tails Standards

Nike Active Packaging